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Christian Connection

Sundays 10:00am - 12:00pm

For over 25 years, we have taught Christians to mature in the Lord, build godly relationships and be disciple makers for Christ through small groups that meet in homes.

Discover a Unique Sunday Morning Experience

Christians connect with Christians in small groups that meet in homes and online through Zoom. Each Sunday they learn how to build an intimate relationship with the Lord God, develop godly relationships with one another and become Christ Ambassadors to a dying world.

The Christian Connection is interactive and provides a safe environment where Christians experience:

  • the presence of God.

  • being transformed into the likeness of Christ.

  • the Holy Spirit ministering to them and through them.

  • God’s word coming alive as they share their insight from the assigned Scripture.

  • being prayed for and encouraged.

  • God’s truth being taught by a Five Fold Minister.

Currently, we have Christ Followers who live in South Carolina, North Carolina and Alabama who participate in the Christian Connection.

how can i Participate?

Fill out the contact form or call our office (803) 616-1733 if you would like to participate in the Christian Connection.